Honoring Your Journey with Handcrafted Memories
Stock Wood Plaques
These are our standard engraved wood plaques.
Base Prices (before tax):
8" x 10": $55*
9" x 12": $75
12" x 15": $110
-Base Price includes any engraving on the wood you'd like (if it fits, it's included)**.
Anything less than 5 days may be subject to expediting, available at our discretion: +$10 - $40
*On the 8" x 10" size, only one image or logo allowed,
plus any combination of 2 rank insignia or service seal(s). Sorry, no exceptions.
**All Photographs, and Graphics that must be processed for engraving will add $5 - $25 per graphic
-Engraved Photograph: $10
-Printed and Mounted Photograph: $10 - $15
-Embed or Epoxy a Rank/Service Coin: $8/ea
-Embed or Epoxy Your Coin(s): $5
-Mount Awards/Ribbons: $5 + Items (We carry most awards/devices)
-Mounting of personal objects: Determined by item ($5 minimum)
-Engraved Plate: $5 - $10
-Custom Acrylic: Determined by Design
*Prices Listed Subject to Change without Notice*